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Victory in Jesus VBS
June 17-21
What is sin? Who has sinned? Will sin have victory over us? You are invited to an awesome week of VBS where you will learn all about the victory we have through Jesus Christ and what He has done for us on the cross. We can stand firm in the faith and run the race with endurance because of what Jesus has done, pressing on toward the goal, not for a perishable wreath, but for an imperishable!
This program is for ages
4 years old- 6th grade!
Memorize this verse on Monday for a prize:
"Where, O death is your victory, where O death is your sting?"
1 Corinthians 15:55
The grade that your child has just completed will be the team that they are assigned to! (Accommodations may be made upon request.)
Check out our 2023 VBS highlight video!
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